The joint Diversity Charter proposed by the consortia APPEC, ECFA and NuPECC (representing the astroparticle, particle and nuclear physics communities, respectively) has Diversity as its principle, understood as the acknowledgement, respect and appreciation of the reality that people differ in many ways, visible or invisible, mainly in age, gender and sexual orientation, national and ethnic origin, civil status and familiar situation, religious convictions, political and philosophical opinions, and physical ability.
A survey is proposed, whose results are used as a guideline to APPEC, ECFA and NuPECC for monitoring how diverse our communities are. There are only a small number of questions asked in this questionnaire, namely on gender, tenure diversity (career level), age diversity (age groups), country of work and citizenship. The three consortia will use the results of this first study, which will be finalized by the end of 2022, to come up with recommendations and measures for large collaborations and conferences regarding the diversity issue.
The questionnaire takes about 3 minutes to fill and is coupled to your registration systems as a voluntary part of the form. There will be absolutely no coupling between the person who fills the form and the information used and disseminated by the consortia. Nevertheless, we will ask the question whether the participant is willing to take part in the survey depending on the privacy laws governing their own organization.