Fee payment

A registration fee of  € 300,00 will be charged, including  the welcome cocktail on Sunday evening, coffee break refreshments, the Seminar banquet and the excursion for participants and accompanying persons, as well as a copy of the proceedings. 

The fee should be paid before April 25, 2022



Cancellation requests should be addressed to piero@sweet-travel.it. For cancellations before May 2, 2022 the full fee will be refunded. After May 2 the fee cannot be refunded.


PAYMENT can be made by bank transfer or by credit card.  SWEET TRAVEL SRL agency will acknowledge the payment. If you choose to pay by bank transfer it is very important to mention in the subject your name and "FEE SPRING2020". A duplicate or a photocopy of the transfer order issued by the bank must be mailed or faxed to SWEET TRAVEL SRL.



    Beneficiary: SWEET TRAVEL SRL,
                        Via E. Cortese, 25, 80077 ISCHIA PORTO (Na)

     Bank name: Intesa San Paolo

     IBAN  :  IT72 L030 6939 9321 0000 0000 714

      BIC    :  BCITITMM