Sep 15 – 21, 2019
Hotel Hermitage, La Biodola Bay, Isola d'Elba, Italy
Europe/Rome timezone

Online Diagnostics and Stabilisation of the ANGUS 200 TW Laser

Sep 19, 2019, 4:00 PM
SB2 (Hotel Hermitage)


Hotel Hermitage

talk WG7 - High brightness power sources: from Laser Technology to beam drivers WG7


Andreas Maier (Univ. Hamburg / CFEL)


Laser-plasma accelerators are prominent candidates to drive a next generation of high-brightness x-ray sources. The LUX laser-plasma accelerator, driven by the ANGUS 200 TW laser, has recently demonstrated the generation of few-nm-plasma-driven undulator radiation. Long-term operation of the plasma accelerator with reproducible and stable electron beams requires a highly stable drive laser. To reach this goal, we have integrated the ANGUS laser in an accelerator-grade control system. Enabled by the analysis tools at every stage we observe that changes in the front-end of the amplifier chain have a direct impact on both, laser parameters in all amplification stages and the properties of the generated electrons. We will report on long-term-drifts we have observed during laser operation and their effects on the laser system. Furthermore, we will present methods to stabilise the laser against these drifts.

Primary author


Timo Eichner (University of Hamburg/Center for Free-Electron Laser Science) Vincent Leroux (University of Hamburg) Matthias Schnepp (University of Hamburg) Andreas Maier (Univ. Hamburg / CFEL)

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