Sep 15 – 21, 2019
Hotel Hermitage, La Biodola Bay, Isola d'Elba, Italy
Europe/Rome timezone

Plasma Mirror Reflectivity Measurements on Gemini in a Staged Laser Plasma Wakefield Acceleration Set-Up

Sep 18, 2019, 7:00 PM
Parking Area (Hotel Hermitage)

Parking Area

Hotel Hermitage

poster WG1 - Electron beams from plasmas Cheese and Wine Poster Session 2


Jan-Niclas Gruse (Imperial College London)


The acceleration of electrons with ultra-short, high-intensity laser pulses has a successful method. Although, the maximum accelerated electron energy is limited mostly due to de-phasing of the electrons with the driving laser pulse and the depletion of the laser pulse. Staging two laser wakefield accelerators with two laser beams can overcome these limitations. Using the first plasma cell for electron-trapping and acceleration and a secondary plasma cell for further acceleration. The space-constraints and the high intensity of the laser pulse does not allow conventional reflective optics. One way to solve this issue are plasma mirrors. In this case composed of ultra-thin foil, it can inject the second laser pulse into the second gas cell, minimally disturbing an electron beam as it passes through. The reflectivity and subsequent focus spot in such a compact two stage set-up has been measured and is presented as well as it guiding characteristic in a 18 mm plasma cell.

Primary author

Jan-Niclas Gruse (Imperial College London)


Rob Shalloo (Imperial College London) Elias Gerstmayr (Imperial College London) Stuart Mangles (Imperial College London) Savio Rozario (Imperial College London) Dr Matthew Streeter (Imperial College London) Jonathan Wood (Imperial College London) Thomas Audet (The Queen's University of Belfast) Kristjan Poder (DESY) Zulfikar Najmudin (Imperial College London) Gianluca Sarri (Queen's University Belfast) Dr Nicolas Bourgeois (Central Laser Facility (CLF)) Dr Pattathil Rajeev (STFC)

Presentation materials