INFN and The Future of Scientific Computing - Episode I: The HPC Opportunity
Sala dei Mappamondi (Accademia delle Scienze)
Sala dei Mappamondi
Accademia delle Scienze
Via Accademia delle Scienze 6 Torino
The first in a series of workshops to look forward and think about tomorrow's computing.
This is the first in a series of workshops in the context of the INFN Scientific Computing, aimed at building a closely-knitted community around the activities of the Fellows, and thinking forward about the future of scientific computing at INFN.
The topics of this first workshop will be:
the usage of HPC resources within the experimental and theoretical INFN activities, and
a first look at Quantum Computing technology applied to HEP.
A session will be devoted to reports from the Fellows on their current and planned activities, followed by the discussion on HPC and Quantum Computing.
The workshop will be held in the "Sala dei Mappamondi" in the historical palace of the Accademia delle Scienze, which houses also the world-famous Museo Egizio.