- Rajeev Pattathil (Central Laser Facility,)
- Leonida Antonio Gizzi (PI)
- Barbara Marchetti (DESY)
- Rajeev Pattathil (Central Laser Facility,)
- Leonida Antonio Gizzi (PI)
- Barbara Marchetti (DESY)
Dan Symes
(Central Laser Facility, STFC Rutherford Appleton Laboratory, Didcot, UK)
9/25/17, 4:00 PM
WG7 - High Brightness Power Sources: from Laser Technology to Beam Drivers
We describe how active feedback routines can be applied at limited repetition rate (5 Hz) to optimise high power laser interactions with clustered gases. X-ray generation and 100 MeV electron beams were produced and optimized using genetic algorithms approximately doubling the x-ray flux and increasing electron beam charge by a factor of 3. The complicated interaction dynamics of the cluster...
Alessandro Curcio
9/25/17, 4:30 PM
WG7 - High Brightness Power Sources: from Laser Technology to Beam Drivers
A new methodology able to model and reconstruct the transverse phase space of low-emittance electron
beams accelerated in the bubble regime of laser-plasma interaction is presented. The single-shot
measurement of both the electron energy spectrum and the betatron radiation spectrum is shown to
allow a complete measurement of the transverse emittance, including the correlation term. A...
Martin Speicher
(LMU Munich)
9/25/17, 4:50 PM
WG7 - High Brightness Power Sources: from Laser Technology to Beam Drivers
Today’s Petawatt (PW) laser systems are able to focus high power pulses to a few µm spot, achieving intensities up to 10^22 W/cm^2. Precise knowledge of the spatial and temporal intensity profile becomes increasingly important for describing the physics under these extreme conditions.
We present a new concept for acquiring high dynamic range (HDR) information of the 2D spatial and temporal...
Matthew Streeter
(The Cockcroft Institute)
9/25/17, 5:10 PM
WG7 - High Brightness Power Sources: from Laser Technology to Beam Drivers
The driving laser pulse in a plasma wakefield accelerator experiences changes in the longitudinal energy distribution due to refraction, depletion, photon (de)acceleration and group delay dispersion. These processes are highly dependent on the plasma wave structure, which in turn depends on the laser energy distribution. Here, we present models to describe the evolution of the temporal laser...
Wim Leemans
(Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory)
9/25/17, 6:00 PM
WG7 - High Brightness Power Sources: from Laser Technology to Beam Drivers
Maria Pia Anania
9/25/17, 6:30 PM
WG7 - High Brightness Power Sources: from Laser Technology to Beam Drivers
Plasma wakefield acceleration is the most promising acceleration technique known nowadays, able to provide very high accelerating fields (10–100 GV/m), enabling acceleration of electrons to GeV energy in few centimetres. Here we present some of the plasma related activities currently underway at SPARC_LAB using the high power laser FLAME and the LINAC. In particular, we will give an overview...
Vincent Leroux
(ELI Beamlines)
9/25/17, 6:45 PM
WG7 - High Brightness Power Sources: from Laser Technology to Beam Drivers
Laser-Plasma Wakefield Accelerators showed promising results in the past few years, generating high-energy electron beam over cm-distances. Nevertheless, the quality and shot-to-shot stability of such beams have not yet reached the level of conventional accelerators. One of the crucial factors is the driver laser beam quality, which needs to be focused close to the diffraction limit. To...
Aurelien Martens
Cheikh Fall Ndiaye
(LAL), Dr
Kevin Cassou
(Laboratoire de l'Accélérateur Linéaire)
9/25/17, 7:00 PM
WG7 - High Brightness Power Sources: from Laser Technology to Beam Drivers
The present paper will present the EuroGammas consortium development on the optics and laser of interaction point of the inverse Compton scattering source (ICS) of the ELI-Nuclear Physics project. The interaction point optical system of the ICS is based on a non resonant laser beam cavity allowing the circulation of one or two laser pulses to be focalized 32 times on a electron bunch train to...
Joshua Moody
(Max Planck Institute for Physics)
9/25/17, 7:15 PM
WG7 - High Brightness Power Sources: from Laser Technology to Beam Drivers
The AWAKE project has a uniform rubidium vapor source with baseline density of 7e14 cm^-3 that must be completely ionized radially to 1 mm over its entire 10 meter length. Furthermore, the ionization must be substantially faster than a single plasma period to seed the self-modulation instability. We use a 4.5 TW fiber / titanium:sapphire chirped pulse amplification laser system to ionize....