24–30 set 2017
La Biodola, Isola d'Elba
Europe/Rome fuso orario

The ACHIP experimental chambers at PSI

25 set 2017, 19:30
Parking Area, Hotel Hermitage

Parking Area, Hotel Hermitage

poster WG3 - Electron Beams from Electromagnetic Structures, Including Dielectric and Laser-driven Structures Wine and Poster Session 1(WG1-WG2-WG3-WG8)


Dr. Eugenio Ferrari (Epfl)


ACHIP is an international collaboration, funded by the Gordon and Betty Moore Foundation, whose goal is to demonstrate that laser-driven accelerator on a chip can be integrated to fully build an accelerator based on dielectric structures. PSI will provide access to the high brightness electron beam of SwissFEL to test structures, approaches and methods towards achieving the final goal of the project. In this contribution, we will describe the two interaction chambers installed at SwissFEL to perform proof-of-principle experiments. In particular, we will present the positioning system for the samples, the magnets needed to focus the beam to sub-micrometer dimensions and the diagnostics to measure beam properties at the interaction point.

Autore principale

Dr. Eugenio Ferrari (Epfl)

Materiali di presentazione

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