24–30 Sept 2017
La Biodola, Isola d'Elba
Europe/Rome timezone

EuPRAXIA@SPARC_LAB: design study towards a new compact FEL facility at LNF

27 Sept 2017, 18:00
SML, Sala Maria Luisa, HH

SML, Sala Maria Luisa, HH

talk WG1 - Electron Beams from Plasmas WG1-WG8 Joint Session


Massimo Ferrario (LNF)


On the wake of the results obtained so far at the SPARC_LAB test-facility at LNF, we are currently investigating the possibility to design and build a new multi-disciplinary user-facility, equipped with a soft X-ray Free Electron Laser (FEL) driven by a ~1 GeV high brightness linac based on plasma accelerator modules. It is in fact widely accepted by the international accelerator scientific community that a fundamental milestone towards the realization of a plasma driven future Linear Collider (LC) will be the integration of the new high gradient accelerating plasma modules in a FEL user facility (see the H2020 approved Design Study EuPRAXIA). This fundamental goal will be integrated in the LNF facility by using a high gradient X-band RF linac and the high power laser FLAME to drive Plasma Oscillations in the accelerator module. This design study is performed in synergy with the EuPRAXIA design study and is aiming also to candidate the LNF site as a possible hosting laboratory of the future EuPRAXIA project. In this talk we report about the recent progresses in the on going design study of the new facility.

Primary author

Massimo Ferrario (LNF)

Presentation materials