Sep 24 – 30, 2017
La Biodola, Isola d'Elba
Europe/Rome timezone

High Repetition Rate Laser Wakefield Acceleration

Sep 27, 2017, 7:30 PM
Parking Area, Hotel Hermitage

Parking Area, Hotel Hermitage

poster WG5 - High-Gradient Plasma Structures/Advanced Beam Diagnostics Wine and Poster Session 2 (WG4-WG5-WG6-WG7)


Mr Niels Delbos (University of Hamburg / Center for Free Electron Laser Science)


Today, many LWFA experiments rely on targets, which operate with short bursts of gas to reduce gas load within the vacuum system to a minimum. However, even in burst mode it requires considerable time to reduce the pressure in the vacuum system to a level low enough for the next laser shot, which is one of the most limiting factors in electron repetition rate. Here, we show a design, which is implemented at the LUX beamline for plasma-driven undulator radiation. It allows for continuous flow operation of a capillary-type target. The system enables electron repetition rates, which are only limited by the repetition rate of the driver laser. Continuous flow operation minimizes pressure fluctuations inside the target and eliminates timing jitter issues between laser pulse and target gas bursts. Our concept features a differential pumping setup, specially designed for laser applications, and allows for direct online pressure measurement at the target inlets, which yields absolutely calibrated values.

Primary author

Mr Niels Delbos (University of Hamburg / Center for Free Electron Laser Science)


Andreas Maier (CFEL/UHH) Mr Christian Werle (University of Hamburg) Mr Manuel Kirchen (University of Hamburg) Mr Matthias Schnepp (University of Hamburg) Maximilian Trunk (University of Hamburg) Mr Paul Winkler (DESY) Mr Philipp Messner (University Hamburg) Mr Soeren Jalas (Center for Free-Electron Laser Science and Department of Physics, University of Hamburg) Spencer Jolly (Center for Free-Electron Laser Science & Department of Physics, Hamburg University, Hamburg, Germany) Mr Vincent Leroux (University of Hamburg)

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