Sep 24 – 30, 2017
La Biodola, Isola d'Elba
Europe/Rome timezone

Prospects for Plasma Wakefield Acceleration at the MAX IV Laboratory

Sep 27, 2017, 6:15 PM
SML, Sala Maria Luisa, HH

SML, Sala Maria Luisa, HH

talk WG1 - Electron Beams from Plasmas WG1-WG8 Joint Session


Dr Olle Lundh (Lund University)


MAX IV Laboratory is a Swedish national laboratory providing scientists with brilliant X-rays. The Linear Accelerator is used both for top-up injection into two storage rings, and as a high brightness source for the Short Pulse Facility (SPF). Using a photo-cathode injector, and two double achromats for compression, it can produce bunches of accelerated electrons with energy above 3 GeV, emittance below 1 mm.mrad, charge above 100 pC, and duration well below 100 fs (down to 10 fs are obtained in simulations). We explore the possibility to adapt the existing infrastructure for beam-driven plasma wakefield acceleration (PWFA) at the SPF. Beam dynamics simulations in ELEGANT show that it is possible to transport two electron bunches within one RF period from the photo-cathode, through the entire length of the accelerator. The effects of coherent synchrotron radiation and cavity wakefields can be controlled and limited. After compression, the bunches are separated by a controllable delay of a few hundred femtoseconds. Plasma simulations in CALDER-Circ show that at an optimized density, the first bunch can drive a non-linear plasma wake, in which the second bunch experiences a substantial energy gain equivalent of several GeV/m.

Primary authors

Dr Erik Mansten (MAX IV Laboratory) Dr Filip Lindau (MAX IV Laboratory) Dr Francesca Curbis (MAX IV Laboratory) Mr Henrik Ekerfelt (Lund University) Ms Isabel Gallardo Gonzalez (Lund University) Mr Joel Andersson (MAX IV Laboratory) Mr Jonas Björklund Svensson (Lund University) Dr Marija Kotur (MAX IV Laboratory) Mr Martin Hansson (Lund University) Dr Olle Lundh (Lund University) Dr Sara Thorin (MAX IV Laboratory) Prof. Sverker Werin (MAX IV Laboratory)

Presentation materials