INFN School of Statistics 2017

Hotel Continental Terme, Ischia

Hotel Continental Terme, Ischia

The INFN School Of Statistics intends to provide an overview of statistical methods and tools used in particle, astro-particle and nuclear physics.
This School is targeted towards physicists interested in data analysis ranging from PhD students to senior physicists willing to extend their knowledge and skills in the field of statistical methods. The School takes place in Ischia (Napoli, Italy) from 7th to 11th of May 2017.
Lectures are subdivided into five sections: the first section will be an introduction to probability theory, including fundamental definitions of frequentist and Bayesian approaches to probability. The second section is devoted to statistical methods, including parameter estimates, maximum likelihood and chi-squared methods. The third section will provide an overview of statistical methods adopted to define confidence intervals and upper limits. The fourth section will cover multivariate techniques, including artificial neural networks and boosted decision trees. Finally, the fifth section will present the state-of-the-art software tools used for statistical evaluations with interactive exercises.

For further information, please contact

Previous editions:
University 'Federico II', NaplesINFN Sezione di NapoliThis school is co-funded by INFN, INFN - Sezione di Napoli, University "Federico II", Naples, and by the Department of Physics of University "Federico II", Naples.
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  • Aaron Capon
  • Alessandro Lapertosa
  • Alexander Helmboldt
  • andrea mauri
  • Andrea Rucci
  • Andreas Pichler
  • Anna Monda
  • Benedetto Di Ruzza
  • Bernadette Kolbinger
  • Birgit Neumair
  • Camilla Galloni
  • Chiara La Licata
  • Christoph Wiesinger
  • Daniele Guffanti
  • David Shope
  • Davide Fazzini
  • Deborah Pinna
  • Domenico Diacono
  • Dominik Mitzel
  • Elena Graverini
  • Elena Voevodina
  • Fabio Cappella
  • Fabrizio Grosa
  • Federico Betti
  • Filippo Errico
  • Francesco Brivio
  • Franco Ligabue
  • Giacomo De Pietro
  • Giada Mancini
  • Gioacchino Alex Anastasi
  • Gioacchino Vino
  • Giorgia Miniello
  • Giorgia Rauco
  • Giovanni Benato
  • Giovanni Francesco Ciani
  • Giulia Gonella
  • Guido Fantini
  • hadi mehrabpour
  • Iaroslava Bezshyiko
  • Ivan Ravasenga
  • Jelena Jovicevic
  • Krzysztof Kacprzak
  • Laura Paulina Sinkunaite
  • Leonardo Benjamin Rizzuto
  • Lisa Benato
  • Lorenzo Capriotti
  • Luca Barioglio
  • Luigi Longo
  • Luigi Pertoldi
  • Marcela Vitti
  • Marco Santimaria
  • Marco Scodeggio
  • Marco Sessa
  • Marianna Fontana
  • Marica Baldoncini
  • Marilea Reale
  • Martina Vit
  • Meike Danisch
  • Michele Atzeni
  • Michele Boggia
  • Nazar Bartosik
  • Niccolò Di Lalla
  • Nico Giangiacomi
  • Nicola Giacobbo
  • Nicolo' Jacazio
  • Octavio Escalante Aguirre
  • Rachele Luzi
  • Rizalina Mingazheva
  • Rosa Mele
  • Sebastian Lehner
  • Valentina Vecchio
  • Valeria Di Felice
  • Valerio Gentile
  • Vincenzo Caracciolo
  • Wajid Ali Khan
  • Wojciech Krzemien
  • Xuefeng Ding