The lectures also include a series of lessons on the Geant4 Monte Carlo simulation toolkit and on the the ROOT analysis tool. The ROOT and Geant4 courses consist of a series of lectures followed by hands-on sessions. The courses aim to make the participants able to run user applications, simple but comprehensive, based on Geant4, and to write full compiled ROOT analysis scripts.
Lessons will be devided over 5 days (from Monday to Friday) and will include lectures on software development in applied physics and a Root theoretical and practical course in the morning, and the Geant4 practical sessions in the afternoon.
Geant4 ( is a software toolkit, written in C ++, for simulating the tracking of particles in the matter with the Monte Carlo approach. The software is developed and maintained by an INTERNATIONALCollaboration ( of scientists belonging to different institutions, including INFN. Geant4 can be used for applications in high energy physics, astrophysics, medical physics, particle astrophysics and nuclear physics. The software provides all the tools needed to a complete Monte Carlo simulation of the experimental set-up, including modeling of geometry, detector response, event management and user interface. In Geant4 there is a wide range of physical models capable of describing interactions of particles with matter; there are several alternative models, which can be chosen by the user for many physical processes. Geant4 source code and libraries are freely available, along with manuals, from the Geant4 HOME
ROOT is an object-oriented framework aimed at solving the DATA analysis challenges of high-energy and applied physics based on C ++ language. You can find information about ROOT analysis tool at the page:
To INSTALL ROOT you will need to go to the ROOT website at:
You have a choice to download the BINARIES or the source. The source is quicker to transfer since it is only ~22 MB, but you will need to compile and link it. The binaries compiled with no degug information range from ~35 MB to ~45 MB depending on the target platform.