Thomas Rössler
(Lund University)
The talk will cover the recent progress in Chiral Perturbation Theory at two-loop order in finite volume. The techniques used in the two-loop finite volume integrals [1] will be described shortly and afterwards applications to masses and decay constants both for the standard case in two and three flavours [2] and partially quenched for three sea quark flavours [3] will be discussed.
[1] Two-loop Sunset Integrals at Finite Volume, Johan Bijnens, Emil Boström, Timo A. Lähde, JHEP 1401 (2014) 019
[2] Finite Volume at Two-loops in Chiral Perturbation Theory, Johan Bijnens, Thomas Rössler, JHEP 1501 (2015) 034
[3] Johan Bijnens, Thomas Rössler, work in progress
Primary author
Johan Bijnens Bijnens
(Lund University)
Thomas Rössler
(Lund University)