29 June 2015 to 3 July 2015
Europe/Rome timezone

General Information

The International Workshop on Chiral Dynamics 2015, the eighth in a series which started in 1994 at MIT, and was later held in Mainz (1997), Jefferson Lab (2000 and 2012), Bonn (2003), Duke (2006) and Bern (2009), will take place in Pisa, from June 29 to July 3 2015, and will be jointly hosted by the Department of Physics of the University of Pisa and the Pisa branch of the Istituto Nazionale di Fisica Nucleare.

Presentation upload

To upload your presentation in the website, first login using your indico credentials, then go to "Contribution List",  click on the title of your contribution, and finally click on "Edit Files". Now you can use "add material" to add your presentation, and delete/edit files already uploaded.

Please upload your presentation the day before the schedule of your talk. In any case you can always bring your presentation on a flashdrive at least 20 mins before the beginning of your session.

Time for the presentations/questions

Allotted time 40min = 35min presentation + 5min questions
Allotted time 30min = 25min presentation + 5min questions
Allotted time 25min = 20min presentation + 5min questions
Allotted time 20min = 15min presentation + 5min questions
Allotted time 15min = 12min presentation + 3min questions

Directions to reach the conference venue

To reach the Conference venue, for example from "Ponte di Mezzo" (the central bridge over the Arno River):
- take the street "Borgo Stretto" departing perpendicularly with respect to the river in the north direction (i.e. in the opposite direction with respect to the central railway station), follow this street with the arcades and then continue straight along the street "Guglielmo Oberdan"
- turn righ on the street "San Lorenzo" and follow this street for 400 m. approximately 
- at the end of this street there is the "Area Bruno Pontecorvo" of Pisa University, where the conference venue is located; enter the main gate and follow the arrows to reach Building E ("Edificio E" in Italian) of Polo Fibonacci

For the railway station, you can reach the Polo Fibonacci taking the bus line no. 4 and get off from the bus at the stop "Buonarroti".

From the airport, please take the bus line "LAM Rossa" to reach the railway station and then take the bus line no. 4 as above.


The conference will take place at the end of June. The weather is usually very pleasant around this period of year, but it can  become very hot. However, thunderstorms and rains are still possible, therefore bringing an umbrella and a light jacket would not be a bad idea! Note that Pisa is very close to the sea and good beach establishments are available in the nearby villages of Marina di Pisa and Tirrenia, about 10 km away from the center of Pisa.

Information for the Speakers

Each lecture hall will be equipped with a laptop and an LCD (beamer) projectors. The digital version of the presentation (PDF is the preferred format) should be uploaded on the conference webpage through the speaker's indico account. Alternatively, the speaker is urged to bring a copy of the talk on a memory stick, to be uploaded before the beginning of the speaker session.

We would like to avoid problems of connecting laptops to the projector. Therefore, we urge the speakers to use the computer already provided in each lecture hall.

Information for the Poster Presenters

The posters will all be placed in the main hall of the conference center. Boards of about 70 cm x 100 cm (width x height) will be provided for those intending to bring a poster with them. Note that this is the size for an A1 format (vertical).  Please notify the organizers in advance if your poster has a greater format.

Facebook page of the conference:

January 21, 2015: NEWS: Asti Incentives & Congressi (AIC) will serve as ​Organizing Secretariat for CD2015 ​Conference. ​ AIC will manage the registration fee payments. They will be happy to assist all participants in all their travel and accommodation needs for ​CD2015.​​ For any questions, please contact infocd2015@aicgroup.it​.

The purpose of this workshop series is to bring physicists together who are active in this field, as well as those who are interested, to discuss and debate the most recent achievements and future developments. The workshop will have a near equal contribution from theorists and experimentalists and, as in the latest editions, a strong synergy with the lattice community will be present.

  • Hadron structure
  • Isospin breaking in hadronic systems
  • Meson-meson and meson-baryon interaction
  • Effective field theory and chiral perturbation theory
  • Few-body physics
  • Compton scattering and the polarizabilities of the nucleons
  • Hadronic contributions to g_mu-2
  • Lattice QCD and nuclear physics
In addition to the plenary talks, these topics will be the focus of the three following working groups:

Goldstone Boson Working Group
Conveners: M. Antonelli (Frascati), S. Descotes-Genom (Orsay), A. Juettner (Southampton),
E. Passemar (LANL)

Hadron Structure and Meson-Baryon Interaction Working Group
Conveners: J.P. Chen (Jlab), M. Hoferichter (Darmstadt), P. Solvignon (UNH/JLab), A. Walker-Loud (W&M)

Few-Body Physics Working Group
Conveners: M. Ahmed (NCCU/TUNL), D. Lee (NCSU), A. Parreno (Barcelona), A. Rusetsky (Bonn),
Organized by: Università di Pisa & INFN-Sezione di Pisa