30 settembre 2014 a 3 ottobre 2014
C.U.M.O. Noto (SR), Italy
Europe/Rome fuso orario
RICAP-14 The Roma International Conference on Astroparticle Physics in Noto, Sicily, Italy

The AMY experiment:microwave emission from air shower plasmas.

2 ott 2014, 15:40
Aula A, first floor (C.U.M.O. Noto (SR), Italy)

Aula A, first floor

C.U.M.O. Noto (SR), Italy


Claudio Di Giulio (ROMA2)


The Air Microwave Yield (AMY) experiment investigate the molecular bremsstrahlung radiation emitted in the GHz frequency range from an electron beam induced air-shower . The measurements have been performed at the Beam Test Facility (BTF) of Frascati INFN National Laboratories with a 510 MeV electron beam in a wide frequency range between 1 and 20 GHz.
 We present the apparatus and the results of the tests performed.

Autore principale

Materiali di presentazione