10–12 Sept 2014
University of Pisa
Europe/Rome timezone

GPGPU for track finding and triggering in High Energy Physics

10 Sept 2014, 10:45
University of Pisa

University of Pisa

<a target="_blank" href=https://www.google.com/maps/place/Dipartimento+di+Fisica/@43.720239,10.407985,17z/data=!3m1!4b1!4m2!3m1!1s0x12d591bb7d8c8ec9:0xbf91ddd442e32978>Polo Fibonacci</a> Largo Bruno Pontecorvo, 3 I-56127 Pisa <em>phone +39 050 2214 327</em>


Lorenzo Rinaldi (BO)


The LHC experiments are designed to detect large amount of physics events produced with a very high rate. Considering the future upgrades, the data acquisition rate will become even higher and new computing paradigms must be adopted for fast data-processing: General Purpose Graphical Processing Units (GPGPU) can be used in a novel approach based on massive parallel computing. The intense computation power provided by GPGPU is expected to reduce the computation time and speed-up fast decision taking and low-latency applications. In particular, this approach could be hence used for high-level triggering in very complex environments, like the typical inner track detectors of the LHC experiments, where a large amount of pile-up events overlaying the intersting physics processes are expected with the luminosity upgrade. In this contribution we discuss two typical use-cases where a parallel approach is expected to reduce dramatically the execution time: a track pattern recognition algorithm based on the Hough transform and a trigger model based on track fitting.

Primary author

Lorenzo Rinaldi (BO)


Alessandro Gabrielli (BO) Antonio Sidoti (ROMA1) Franco Semeria (BO) Matteo Negrini (BO) Mr Mauro Belgiovine (INFN Bologna) Mauro Villa (BO) Dr Riccardo Di Sipio (BO)

Presentation materials