Equation of State of Neutron-Rich Nuclear Matter, Clusters in Nuclei and Nuclear Reactions
- Pawel Danielewicz (Michigan State University, USA)
Equation of State of Neutron-Rich Nuclear Matter, Clusters in Nuclei and Nuclear Reactions
- Joe Natowitz (Cyclotron Institute, Texas A & M University, USA)
Equation of State of Neutron-Rich Nuclear Matter, Clusters in Nuclei and Nuclear Reactions
- Massimo Di Toro (INFN-LNS and Univ. of Catania, Italy)
Equation of State of Neutron-Rich Nuclear Matter, Clusters in Nuclei and Nuclear Reactions
- BAo-An Li (Texas A&M University-Commerce, USA)
Equation of State of Neutron-Rich Nuclear Matter, Clusters in Nuclei and Nuclear Reactions
- Hermann Wolter (University of Munich, Garching, Germany)
Equation of State of Neutron-Rich Nuclear Matter, Clusters in Nuclei and Nuclear Reactions
- Bernard BORDERIE (Institut de Physique Nucléaire IN2P3/CNRS, Orsay, France)
O. Lopez
(Laboratoire de Physique Corpusculaire de Caen, France)
6/22/15, 3:15 PM
Equation of State of Neutron-Rich Nuclear Matter, Clusters in Nuclei and Nuclear Reactions
Invited Talk - Parallel Session
Virgil Baran
(University of Bucharest, Romania)
6/22/15, 3:40 PM
Equation of State of Neutron-Rich Nuclear Matter, Clusters in Nuclei and Nuclear Reactions
Invited Talk - Parallel Session
Bernard Borderie
(Institut de Physique Nucléaire, France)
6/22/15, 4:05 PM
Equation of State of Neutron-Rich Nuclear Matter, Clusters in Nuclei and Nuclear Reactions
Oral presentation
Zhaoqing Feng
(Institute of Modern Physics, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Lanzhou , China)
6/22/15, 4:25 PM
Equation of State of Neutron-Rich Nuclear Matter, Clusters in Nuclei and Nuclear Reactions
Oral presentation
Yingxun Zhang
(China Institute of Atomic Energy, Beijing, China)
6/22/15, 4:45 PM
Equation of State of Neutron-Rich Nuclear Matter, Clusters in Nuclei and Nuclear Reactions
Oral presentation
Lucia Quattrocchi
(INFN & University of Messina, Italy)
6/22/15, 5:05 PM
Reactions and Structure - Unstable Nuclei
Oral presentation
Paolo Napolitani
(IPN Orsay, France)
6/23/15, 2:30 PM
Equation of State of Neutron-Rich Nuclear Matter, Clusters in Nuclei and Nuclear Reactions
Invited Talk - Parallel Session
Tusar Ranjan Routray
(Sambalpur University, India)
6/23/15, 2:55 PM
Equation of State of Neutron-Rich Nuclear Matter, Clusters in Nuclei and Nuclear Reactions
Invited Talk - Parallel Session
Enrico De Filippo
(INFN-Sezione di Catania, Italy)
6/23/15, 3:20 PM
Equation of State of Neutron-Rich Nuclear Matter, Clusters in Nuclei and Nuclear Reactions
Oral presentation
Kris Hagel
(Cyclotron Institute, Texas A & M University, USA)
6/23/15, 3:40 PM
Equation of State of Neutron-Rich Nuclear Matter, Clusters in Nuclei and Nuclear Reactions
Oral presentation
Marina Barbui
(Cyclotron Institute, TAMU, USA)
6/23/15, 4:00 PM
Equation of State of Neutron-Rich Nuclear Matter, Clusters in Nuclei and Nuclear Reactions
Oral presentation
Stefania Bufalino
6/23/15, 4:20 PM
Equation of State of Neutron-Rich Nuclear Matter, Clusters in Nuclei and Nuclear Reactions
Oral presentation
Paolo Russotto
(INFN-Sezione di Catania, Italy)
6/23/15, 5:00 PM
Equation of State of Neutron-Rich Nuclear Matter, Clusters in Nuclei and Nuclear Reactions
Invited Talk - Parallel Session
Dan Cozma
(IFIN-HH, Bucharest, Romania)
6/23/15, 5:25 PM
Equation of State of Neutron-Rich Nuclear Matter, Clusters in Nuclei and Nuclear Reactions
Oral presentation
Stefano Burrello
(INFN-LNS, Catania, Italy)
6/23/15, 5:45 PM
Equation of State of Neutron-Rich Nuclear Matter, Clusters in Nuclei and Nuclear Reactions
Oral presentation
Dinh Trong Tran
(Research Center for Nuclear Physics, Osaka, Japan)
6/23/15, 6:05 PM
Equation of State of Neutron-Rich Nuclear Matter, Clusters in Nuclei and Nuclear Reactions
Oral presentation
(Akita University, Japan)
6/23/15, 6:25 PM
Equation of State of Neutron-Rich Nuclear Matter, Clusters in Nuclei and Nuclear Reactions
Oral presentation
Hermann Wolter Wolter
(University of Munich, Germany)
6/23/15, 6:45 PM
Equation of State of Neutron-Rich Nuclear Matter, Clusters in Nuclei and Nuclear Reactions
Oral presentation
Sherry Yennello
(Texas A&M University, USA)
6/25/15, 8:30 AM
Equation of State of Neutron-Rich Nuclear Matter, Clusters in Nuclei and Nuclear Reactions
Invited talk - Plenary Session
Martin Freer
(University of Birmingham, UK)
6/25/15, 9:00 AM
Invited talk - Plenary Session
Denis Lacroix
(IPN Orsay, France)
6/25/15, 9:30 AM
Equation of State of Neutron-Rich Nuclear Matter, Clusters in Nuclei and Nuclear Reactions
Invited talk - Plenary Session
Akira Ono
(Tohoku University, Sendai, Japan)
6/25/15, 10:00 AM
Equation of State of Neutron-Rich Nuclear Matter, Clusters in Nuclei and Nuclear Reactions
Invited talk - Plenary Session
Pawel Danielewicz
(Michigan State University, USA)
6/25/15, 2:30 PM
Equation of State of Neutron-Rich Nuclear Matter, Clusters in Nuclei and Nuclear Reactions
Invited Talk - Parallel Session
(Institute of Modern Physics, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Lanzhou, China)
6/25/15, 2:55 PM
Equation of State of Neutron-Rich Nuclear Matter, Clusters in Nuclei and Nuclear Reactions
Invited Talk - Parallel Session
Alan McIntosh
(Texas A&M Univeristy, USA)
6/25/15, 3:20 PM
Equation of State of Neutron-Rich Nuclear Matter, Clusters in Nuclei and Nuclear Reactions
Oral presentation
Katarzyna Schmidt
(University of Silesia, Katowice, Poland)
6/25/15, 3:40 PM
Equation of State of Neutron-Rich Nuclear Matter, Clusters in Nuclei and Nuclear Reactions
Oral presentation
Effects of symmetry energy and momentum dependent interaction on low-energy reaction mechanisms
hua zheng
(INFN, LNS, Catania, Italy)
6/25/15, 4:00 PM
Equation of State of Neutron-Rich Nuclear Matter, Clusters in Nuclei and Nuclear Reactions
Oral presentation
Ignazio Bombaci
(Università di Pisa, Italy)
6/25/15, 5:00 PM
Equation of State of Neutron-Rich Nuclear Matter, Clusters in Nuclei and Nuclear Reactions
Invited Talk - Parallel Session
Matko Milin
(University of Zagreb, Croatia)
6/25/15, 5:25 PM
Equation of State of Neutron-Rich Nuclear Matter, Clusters in Nuclei and Nuclear Reactions
Invited Talk - Parallel Session
Bao Yuan SUN
(School of Nuclear Science and Technology, Lanzhou University, China)
6/25/15, 5:50 PM
Equation of State of Neutron-Rich Nuclear Matter, Clusters in Nuclei and Nuclear Reactions
Invited Talk - Parallel Session
Vishal Srivastava
(Variable Energy Cyclotron Centre, Kolkata, India)
6/25/15, 6:15 PM
Equation of State of Neutron-Rich Nuclear Matter, Clusters in Nuclei and Nuclear Reactions
Oral presentation
Varinderjit Kaur
(Mata Gujri College, Patiala, India)
6/25/15, 6:35 PM
Equation of State of Neutron-Rich Nuclear Matter, Clusters in Nuclei and Nuclear Reactions
Oral presentation