21–26 Jun 2015
Dipartimento di Fisica ed Astronomia, Università di Catania
Europe/Rome timezone
All the plenary sessions will be transmitted in streaming on the web. From Monday, June 22nd, a link will be available <a href='http://www.streamago.tv/channel/54955/default/iframe/' target='blank'> here </a>


Nuclear Energy and Applications of Nuclear Science and Technologies

23 Jun 2015, 14:30
Aula Magna (Dipartimento di Fisica ed Astronomia, Università di Catania)

Aula Magna

Dipartimento di Fisica ed Astronomia, Università di Catania

Via Santa Sofia, 64 95123, Catania, Italy


Nuclear Energy and Applications of Nuclear Science and Technologies

  • Livius Trache (IFIN-HH Bucharest, Romania)

Nuclear Energy and Applications of Nuclear Science and Technologies

  • Sidney Gales (ELI-NP, Bucharest, Romania)

Presentation materials

There are no materials yet.
Francesco Riggi (University of Catania, Italy)
23/06/2015, 14:30
Nuclear Energy and Applications of Nuclear Science and Technologies
Invited Talk - Parallel Session
Peter Thirolf (Ludwig-Maximilians-University Munich, Garching, Germany)
23/06/2015, 14:55
Nuclear Energy and Applications of Nuclear Science and Technologies
Invited Talk - Parallel Session
Dr Ovidiu Tesileanu (ELI-NP, IFIN-HH, Magurele, Romania)
23/06/2015, 15:20
Nuclear Energy and Applications of Nuclear Science and Technologies
Invited Talk - Parallel Session
Marco Toppi (INFN-Roma, Italy)
23/06/2015, 15:45
Nuclear Energy and Applications of Nuclear Science and Technologies
Oral presentation
Mr Qite Li (School of Physics, Peking University, Beijing, China)
23/06/2015, 16:05
Nuclear Energy and Applications of Nuclear Science and Technologies
Oral presentation
Dr Tatjana Chuvilskaya (SINP MSU, Moscow, Russia)
23/06/2015, 16:25
Nuclear Energy and Applications of Nuclear Science and Technologies
Oral presentation
Dr Sylvie Leray (CEA Saclay, France)
24/06/2015, 08:30
Nuclear Energy and Applications of Nuclear Science and Technologies
Invited talk - Plenary Session
Giuseppe Battistoni (INFN-Sezione di Milano, Italy)
24/06/2015, 09:00
Nuclear Energy and Applications of Nuclear Science and Technologies
Invited talk - Plenary Session
Pier Andrea Mando' (INFN & Univ. of Florence, Italy)
24/06/2015, 09:30
Nuclear Energy and Applications of Nuclear Science and Technologies
Invited talk - Plenary Session
Luca Serafini (INFN - Milano, Italy)
24/06/2015, 10:00
Nuclear Energy and Applications of Nuclear Science and Technologies
Invited talk - Plenary Session
Building timetable...