Jun 8 – 12, 2009
Centro Culturale Don Orione Artigianelli, Venezia (Italy)
Europe/Rome timezone


The Proceedings of HIAT09 will be published on JACoW, the Joint Accelerator Conference Website for the Asian, European and American Particle Accelerator Conferences and the BIW, COOL, CYCLOTRONS, DIPAC, ECRIS, FEL, HIAT, ICALEPCS, ICAP, ICFA ABDW, LINAC, PCaPAC, RuPAC and SRF conferences. The Proceedings will be available on the JACoW site (http://www.jacow.org/) after the conference.

Since HIAT09 contributions are not accepted for publication only, authors are reminded that any paper, that is not presented by one of the authors at the conference either as a poster or as an oral contribution, will be excluded from the proceedings.
Invited oral, contributed oral presentations and poster presentations may be up to 5 pages long. The deadline for the submission of final contributions to the Proceedings is Thursday, June 4, 2009.
Contributions must be submitted, sending an e-mail to: hiat09@lnl.infn.it.
As mail subject, use the word “hiat09” followed by the identification code of the contribution (please consult the web pages with the list of codes for oral and poster contributions), e.g Mail Subject:  HIATO9-MO1 (for identification code MO1)

E-mails must contain the following files as attachment:
•    the PDF file of the contribution generated following the JACoW instructions (see below);
•    the source file of the contribution (Microsoft Word or Tex file format).

Files must be named according to the identification code:  e.g.  MO1.pdf and MO1.doc/MO1.docx/MO1.tex

Those Authors who, for technical reasons, are not able to submit their contributions electronically prior to the Conference, must submit them at the "Proceeding Office of the Conference desk" not later than Monday, June 8. They must deliver:
•    a CD or memory pen having a proper label with the paper identification code containing the following files (for naming the files see above):
―    the PDF file of the contribution, generated following the JACoW instructions;
―    the source file of the contribution (Microsoft Word or Tex file format).

Guidelines and templates for the preparation of contributions can be found on HIAT09 web site http://hiat09.lnl.infn.it/template.
The templates provided contain text styles which, when applied, will automatically ensure correct typesetting and layout.
In case of difficulties authors should consult the JACoW electronic publication help pages (http://accelconf.web.cern.ch/accelconf/jacow/help/help.htm).

Acceptance and Notification
The electronic files of the contributions to the Proceedings will be processed prior to and during the conference and authors will be promptly informed if the file complies with JACoW guidelines. Final notification of contributions acceptance for JACoW publication will be sent to all primary authors after the Conference.