Jun 8 – 12, 2009
Centro Culturale Don Orione Artigianelli, Venezia (Italy)
Europe/Rome timezone

Conference Topics

Purpose of the Conference

HIAT is an international conference dealing with heavy ion accelerators and their components, including their design, realization, test and operation.

It focuses on: operational experience of existing facilities, achievements in heavy ion accelerator physics and technology, progress on the implementation of approved projects and their infrastructures, trends in the proposal and design of heavy ion accelerators and their main systems and components.

The conference is mainly devoted to the accelerator teams of any institution, laboratory or university, running or developing heavy ion facilities or their components for studies in the fields of nuclear physics and astrophysics as well as the applications of heavy ion beams in medicine, accelerator mass spectrometry, material analysis and processing, nuclear waste management, dynamics of nuclear fusion and fission, radiation science and dosimetry, development and production of radionuclides, environmental metrology, etc.

HIAT 2009 is the 11th in a series of conferences, going back to 1973 in Daresbury and followed by Strasbourg (1977), Oak Ridge (1981), Buenos Aires (1985), Strasbourg-Heidelberg (1989), Legnaro (1992), Canberra (1995), Argonne (1998), Delhi (2002), Brookhaven (2005).

Conference Topics

The programme will include invited , oral and poster presentations on the following main topics:

- Electrostatic Accelerators
- Room Temperature and Superconducting Linac Boosters and Cavities
- Room Temperature and Superconducting Cyclotrons
- Synchrotrons and Storage Rings
- Radioactive Ion Beam Facilities
- Ion Sources and Traps
- Main Accelerator Systems and Components (e.g. Radiofrequency, Magnets, Vacuum, Control, Beam Diagnostics, Cryogenics, Radioprotection, Mass Spectrometry, Microbeam Facilities)