Jun 8 – 12, 2009
Centro Culturale Don Orione Artigianelli, Venezia (Italy)
Europe/Rome timezone

Operational experience of the superconducting LINAC booster at Mumbai

Jun 11, 2009, 11:40 AM
Aula Magna (Centro Culturale Don Orione Artigianelli, Venezia (Italy))

Aula Magna

Centro Culturale Don Orione Artigianelli, Venezia (Italy)

Zattere Dorsoduro 909/A 30123 Venezia (Italy)
Oral presentation Linacs LINACS


Prof. Vandana Nanal (Tata Institute of Fundamental Research)

Primary author

Prof. Ronald G. Pillay (Tata Institute of Fundamental Research)


Ms Catarina Rozario (Tata Institute of Fundamental Research) Mr J.N. karande (Tata Institute of Fundamental Research) Mr M.S. Pose (Tata Institute of Fundamental Research) Ms Prajakta Dhumal (Tata Institute of Fundamental Research) Mr R.D. Deshpande (Tata Institute of Fundamental Research) Mr S.K. Sarkar (Tata Institute of Fundamental Research) Mr S.K. Singh (Bhabha Atomic Research center) Mr S.R. Sinha (Tata Institute of Fundamental Research) Mr S.S. Jangam (Tata Institute of Fundamental Research) Mr Srinivasan B. (Bhabha Atomic Research center) Prof. Vandana Nanal (Tata Institute of Fundamental Research)

Presentation materials