23–25 Oct 2024
University of Pisa, Polo Fibonacci Ed. C, Dipartimento di Informatica, Aula Gerace
Europe/Rome timezone

Gravitational lensing applied to gravitational waves

23 Oct 2024, 15:30
Aula Magna Matematica (University of Pisa, Polo Fibonacci)

Aula Magna Matematica

University of Pisa, Polo Fibonacci

Largo Bruno Pontecorvo, 5, 56127 Pisa PI
Invited speaker talk Astrophysics


Martina Toscani


In my talk, I will provide an overview about gravitational lensing applied to gravitational wave emission. I will start with the definition of lensing, discussing how it affects the gravitational signal from a source, with a focus on the differences between geometrical and wave optics regime. Next, I will describe what we expect to see in the cases of strongly and weakly lensed signals and why it is important to recognise these effects among the data. Finally, I will present the main findings in the literature about two types of sources, that we might observed lensed in the upcoming years: black hole mergers and extreme mass ratio inspirals, highlighting their importance for gravitational wave astronomy.

Primary author

Martina Toscani

Presentation materials