23–25 Oct 2024
University of Pisa, Polo Fibonacci Ed. C, Dipartimento di Informatica, Aula Gerace
Europe/Rome timezone

Poster information

General Information:

- There will be two slots for the poster sessions, on  Wednesday October 23 and Thursday October 24, in the afternoon.  

- The deadline for poster submission will be on Sunday 20th of October (included). Please remember to submit your poster via this Google Form.

- Posters will be displayed at the INFN, -2 floor (Building C). Posters should be in the standard A0 paper size (84.1 cm width × 118.9 cm height) and in portrait orientation. Remember to include the title, author(s) name, affiliation, and email.

- Please note that participants are responsible for their own poster's printing. The local organization will not provide printing services.

Do you want to print your poster in Pisa? Check out these print shops: 

  • Book Binder's (via S. Lorenzo, 21)

  • Copisteria Santa Caterina (via S. Lorenzo, 49)


Poster Advertisement Session:

- We have scheduled two special 'Advertisement Sessions'. These will allow you to present a brief 30-seconds highlight of your work to the whole audience, using a single 'advertisement slide' (to be submitted in the same form as the poster). It is not mandatory to give this 30-seconds speech.

- All these single-slides will be numbered and assembled in a single catalog file that you will be able to browse.
Please check in which of the two Advertisement Sessions you are going to present: they will be held before the poster sessions of the same day you are scheduled to present your poster.

- When the Advertisement Session is about to start, all presenters of that session should form a queue according to the order of the catalog (please remember your poster number from the catalog) along the side of the room.

- When your slide appears on the screen, the floor is all yours: walk on the stage, give your 30-seconds highlight, and then leave the stage on the other side. The catalog with all the slides will be shared and managed by us organizers.

- Whether you want your highlight to be a succinct summary or a playful teaser, the choice is yours. You are welcome to express your research as you deem appropriate!


If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact us!