The electric dipole moment of the electron (eEDM) is a sensitive probe for new physics beyond the Standard Model that can also provide indirect evidence for the existence of dark matter. We propose a novel experimental method to measure the eEDM using polar molecules (BaF) embedded in a cryogenic matrix of parahydrogen. By exploiting the large internal molecular field available in BaF molecules and the efficient cooling and large concentrations of molecules enabled by the parahydrogen matrix, the proposed experiment has the potential to improve the current eEDM limits, offering valuable insights into CP violation sources and the origin of matter-antimatter asymmetry in the universe. Furthermore, our measurements could indirectly offer insights into the nature of dark matter since many extensions of the Standard Model that account for dark matter predict an eEDM large enough to be within the measurement range of planned experiments. We will discuss the experimental setup we developed to produce parahydrogen and grow cryogenic crystals alongside the necessary steps for creating and integrating BaF molecules into these matrices.