16–20 Sept 2024
Europe/Rome timezone

Status of DOSUE-RR Experiment for Dark Photon Dark Matter Search at $m_\text {DP} \sim 1\, \text{meV}$

16 Sept 2024, 16:55
5 min talk Afternoon


Keigo Hanimura (Kyoto University)


Dark photon is one of the candidates for cold dark matter, predicted by a part of string theories and high-scale inflation models. Dark photons interact with ordinary photons via tiny kinetic mixing with them. Owing to this interaction, the dark photons convert into millimeter-wave light at the electromagnetic boundaries, such as the surface of a metal plate. The frequency of the conversion photon corresponds to the mass of dark photon because of the energy conservation ($h\nu \simeq mc^2$); for example, a signal at 240 GHz corresponds to the mass of 1 $\text{meV}$. To detect the conversion photon from the dark photon in various frequency bands, we, the DOSUE-RR collaboration, have developed cryogenic millimeter-wave receivers. We have already performed the searches for conversion photons in the frequency range of 10–26.5 GHz. Since there is still an unexplored range up to $O$(100 GHz), we are focusing on the frequency range of 170–260 GHz as the next target. However, in this frequency range, there is no good low-noise amplifier to detect the tiny signal from the dark photons. To keep low noise, we installed a Superconductor-Insulator-Superconductor (SIS) mixer, which is commonly used in cutting-edge radio telescopes. This device allows us to down-convert the signal frequency from around 200 GHz to ~10 GHz, and to detect the signal with a low noise level of $< O\text{(100 K)}$. In this presentation, I will discuss the current status including receiver evaluation and future plans of the DOSUE-RR.

Primary author

Keigo Hanimura (Kyoto University)


Shunsuke Adachi (Kyoto University) Hiroki Takeuchi (Kyoto University) Junya Suzuki (Kyoto University) Osamu Tajima (Kyoto University) Shunsuke Honda (University of Tsukuba) Tac Nakajima (Nagoya University) Hideo Ogawa (Osaka Metropolitan University) Yutaka Hasegawa (National Institute of Information and Communications Technology)

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