16–20 Sept 2024
Europe/Rome timezone

Search for axion quark nugget at CAPP

18 Sept 2024, 10:25
Talk Morning 3


Dr Jinsu Kim (IBS-CAPP)


Axion quark nuggets are hypothetical particles composed of (anti-)quarks in a unique phase called the color superconducting state, surrounded by an axion domain wall. This model proposes an alternative candidate for cold dark matter compared to conventional halo-axions. Under the hypothesis that anti-matter axion quark nuggets could annihilate with Earth matter, releasing relativistic axions, we performed the first AQN experiment using a haloscope at the Center for Axion and Precision Physics Research (CAPP). This experiment employed a high-temperature superconducting microwave cavity that achieved a Q-factor exceeding one million in an 8-T magnetic field, alongside a quantum-noise-limited flux-driven Josephson parametric amplifier. Our investigation targeted the axion rest mass range between 4 $\mu$eV and 9 $\mu$eV. Data analysis focused on detecting daily modulation in the signal as predicted by the model. This presentation provides a detailed account of the experiment and reports the results.

Primary author

Dr Jinsu Kim (IBS-CAPP)


Dr Ohjoon Kwon (IBS-CAPP) Dr Danho Ahn (IBS-CAPP) Prof. Yannis Kyriakos Semertzidis (IBS-CAPP and KAIST) Dr Soohyung Lee (IBS-CAPP) Dr Woohyun Chung (IBS-CAPP) Dr Andrei Matlashov (IBS-CAPP) Dr Sergey Uchaikin (IBS-CAPP) Dr Arjan Ferdinand van Loo (Center for Quantum Computing, RIKEN) Prof. Yasunobu Nakamura (Center for Quantum Computing, RIKEN) Dr HeeSu Byun (IBS-CAPP) Dr Seongtae Park (IBS-CAPP) Seonjeong Oh (IBS-CAPP)

Presentation materials