2–8 Sept 2024
Europe/Rome timezone


​​​Session I             Standard three-neutrino oscillations
Conveners:            Christoph Ternes and Jeanne Wilson​

Session II            Beyond the standard framework
Conveners:             Lea Di Noto and Shun Zhou

Session III        ​Neutrino masses, states and interactions
Conveners:         Luca Pattavina and Noemi Rocco

Session IV        ​ Particle physics from the sky and the cosmos
Conveners:           Carmelita Carbone and Antonio Marinelli 

Extra Session                   Crossing the portal


Topics of NOW2024

Session I
Standard three-neutrino oscillations (plenary + parallel)
Known and unknown 3nu oscillation parameters

Data analysis (theory, phenomenology)  

Detectors for oscillation experiments

New underground/water/ice oscillation searches  

Geoneutrino physics  


Session II
Beyond the standard framework (plenary + parallel)
Light sterile neutrino oscillations  
Searches for heavy neutrinos  

Oscillations with NSI, non-unitarity, decoherence, decay  

EM nu properties, (charged) lepton flavor violation processes

Neutrino model building, leptogenesis, high-scale nu physics    


Session III
Neutrino masses, states and interactions (plenary + parallel)
Neutrinoless double beta decay (DBD) and beta decay searches
Particle physics aspects of DBD, including nonstandard scenarios 
Nuclear physics relevant for (non) oscillation experiments 
Coherent elastic neutrino-nucleus scattering
Neutrino cross-sections  


Session IV
Particle physics from the sky and the cosmos (plenary + parallel)
Multi-messenger astrophysics: gamma, neutrino, charged CR, GW
Core-collapse supernovae, stellar physics, BH physics

Neutrino telescopes

Cosmology and (non)standard neutrinos  

Dark matter candidates, dark sectors  


Extra Session
Crossing the portal (plenary only)
Topics at the interface between current achievements and future challenges