17–21 Jun 2024
INFN Sezione di Roma
Europe/Rome timezone


Hans-Werner Becker, Uni-Bochum, Germany. - Measurements of Hydrogen concentrations with an 15N-beam - principle and applications. 

Virginia Boldrini and Marco Pieruccini, CNR-IMM Bologna, Italy -  Electrical activation of implanted dopants: Statistical mechanical aspects of defect recovery and Hall effect characterization.


Massimo Chiari, INFN, Italy - Principles of PIXE and PIGE, advanced techniques and applications.

Andrea DenkerHZB Berlin, Germany Nuclear Physics for Semiconductors and Solar Cells.

Luigi Di Benedetto, Università di Salerno, Italy, Capacitive techniques for the defect characterization of semiconductor devices.

Enrico Di Russo,Università di Padova,ItalyIntroduction to semiconductors. Doping and hyperdoping. 


Filippo Fabbri, CNR-NANO Pisa, Italy - Optical characterization of implantation defects: the case study of sulphur implanted silicon.


Mike Kokkoris, National Technical University of Athens, Greece - Rutherford backscattering analyis and the method of channeling. H and D induced Nuclear Reaction Analysis as a complimentary method. 

Heinz Christoph Neitzert, Università di Salerno, Italy. - Non-contact methods for the characterization of high energy particle irradiation induced defects in various semiconductors.

Francesco VelardiUniversita di Cassino, Italy - Overview of the radiation induced degradation of electronic devices.