Working Group on Radiative Corrections and Generators for Low Energy Hadronic Cross Section and Luminosity

Budker Institute of Nuclear Physics, Novosibirsk, Russia

Budker Institute of Nuclear Physics, Novosibirsk, Russia

This tenth meeting of the Working Group `Radio Monte CarLow' is scheduled as a satellite meeting of the PHIPSI11 conference in Novosibirsk. The aim of the meeting is to present and discuss recent developments in the field of radiative corrections and Monte Carlo generators for low energy cross sections and luminosity determination which have happened since the publication of the Working Group Report, and to discuss future projects and activities of the WG.

  • Andreas Hafner
  • Andrey Arbuzov
  • Bastian Kubis
  • Boris Shwartz
  • Daisuke Nomura
  • Denis Epifanov
  • Dmitry Matvienko
  • Eduard Kuraev
  • Federico Nguyen
  • Fedor Ignatov
  • Gennady Fedotovich
  • Graziano Venanzoni
  • Guido Montagna
  • Konrad Griessinger
  • Leonid Kardapoltsev
  • Maurice Benayoun
  • Pablo Roig
  • Ping Wang
  • Sergey Serednyakov
  • Sergiy Ivashyn
  • Simon Eidelman
  • Slava Ivanov
  • Thomas Teubner
  • Valery Tayursky
  • Vladimir Druzhinin
  • Was Zbigniew
  • Zhilich Victor
  • venerdì 23 settembre
    • 09:00 09:10
      Introduction G. Venanzoni 10m
    • 09:10 10:50
      Radiative Corrections and MC generators
      • 09:10
        MC generator of e+e- -> hadrons between 1 and 2 GeV, is it feasible? 20m
        Relatore: Dr. Simon Eidelman (Budker Institute of Nuclear Physics)
      • 09:30
        e+e- -> KKpi and MC generator 20m
        Relatore: V. Ivanov (BINP)
      • 09:50
        Radiative corrections in K --> pi l+ l- and related decays 20m
        Relatore: Bastian Kubis (HISKP Bonn University)
      • 10:10
        A model of $\bar{B}^0\to D^{*+}\omega\pi^-$ decay 20m
        Relatore: Dmitry Matvienko (BINP)
      • 10:30
        Current status of luminosity measurement with the CMD-3 detector at VEPP-2000 20m
        Relatore: Gennady Fedotovich (BINP)
    • 10:50 11:20
      Coffee Break 30m
    • 11:20 12:20
      Gamma-gamma physics
      • 11:20
        MC generator for g g -> hadrons at KEDR 20m
        Relatore: Valery Tayursky (BINP)
      • 11:40
        MC generator for g g -> P at BaBar 20m
        Relatore: L. Kardapoltsev (BINP)
      • 12:00
        Prospects for gamma gamma to pi0 with KLOE-2 20m
        Relatore: Sergiy Ivashyn (ITP, NSC KIPT)
    • 12:20 13:00
      • 12:20
        Precision of tau lepton Monte Carlo, its use in data analysis and bremsstrahlung in decay 20m
        Relatore: Zbigniew Was (UFJ PAN Cracow)
      • 12:40
        From tau->2pi nu_tau to e+e- -> pi+pi- 20m
        Relatore: Pablo Roig (IFIC)
    • 13:00 14:30
      Lunch at Cafeteria 1O 30m
    • 14:30 16:00
      Hadronic VP, g-2 and Delta alpha
      • 14:30
        VP reloaded 20m
        Relatore: Dr. Thomas Teubner (University of Liverpool)
      • 14:50
        Status of luminosity 20m
        Relatore: Guido Montagna (PV)
      • 15:10
        Discussion on (g-2)mu 50m
        Relatore: Dr. Simon Eidelman (Budker Institute of Nuclear Physics)
    • 16:00 16:30
      Coffee Break
    • 16:30 18:30
      Additional Time if needed
    • 19:00 21:00
      Dinner at Cafeteria 2O