The SWGO collaboration is proposing the construction of a wide field of view observatory to explore the Southern hemisphere sky in the 100 GeV-1 PeV energy range. Nowadays only the HAWC and LHAASO experiments operate with these characteristics, both are in the Northern hemisphere, while the Southern hemisphere sky is not covered by such an observatory. The array will be located in a site at latitude between 10 and 30 degrees south and at an altitude above 4400 m a.s.l.. The baseline detection technique chosen by the collaboration is Water Cherenkov Detectors, the array will have a central region (140-220 m radius) with high fill factor (>60%) and a large (about 1 km^2 square) outer region with a much lower fill factor (around 4-5%). In this communication I will provide an overview of the goals and the status of the project.The SWGO collaboration is proposing the construction of a wide field of view observatory to explore the Southern hemisphere sky in the 100 GeV-1 PeV energy range. Nowadays only the HAWC and LHAASO experiments operate with these characteristics, both are in the Northern hemisphere, while the Southern hemisphere sky is not covered by such an observatory. The array will be located in a site at latitude between 10 and 30 degrees south and at an altitude above 4400 m a.s.l.. The baseline detection technique chosen by the collaboration is Water Cherenkov Detectors, the array will have a central region (140-220 m
radius) with high fill factor (>60%) and a large (about 1 km^2 square) outer region with a much lower fill factor (around 4-5%). In this communication I will provide an overview of the goals and the status of the project.