4–7 Sept 2023
Dept. of Physics and Astronomy - University of Bologna
Europe/Rome timezone

U(1) entanglement asymmetry in the Ising CFT via non-topological defects

7 Sept 2023, 15:00
Aula Magna (Dept. of Physics and Astronomy - University of Bologna)

Aula Magna

Dept. of Physics and Astronomy - University of Bologna

Via Irnerio 46 - 40126 Bologna, Italy
Talk (20 min) Bologna Workshop CFT-IM


Michele Fossati (SISSA e Istituto Nazionale di Fisica Nucleare)


The entanglement asymmetry quantifies how much a given state is far from being invariant under a certain group. If studied in the ground state of a system, it quantifies how much the system breaks (either explicitly or spontaneously) a given symmetry group. Formulated in the modern language, symmetries of a QFT are implemented by topological defects and, accordingly, the entanglement asymmetry quantifies how much such defects are not topological. We study the $U(1)$ entanglement asymmetry in the ground state of the Ising CFT. This boils down to the computation of the ground state energy of the Majorana theory on a circle with defects that couple the left and right chiral components. The resulting asymmetry matches with the universal subleading term that is numerically accessible on the lattice.

Primary authors

Filiberto Ares (SISSA, INFN Trieste) Jerome Dubail (Nancy) Michele Fossati (SISSA e Istituto Nazionale di Fisica Nucleare) Prof. Pasquale Calabrese (SISSA, INFN Trieste, ICTP)

Presentation materials