The Workshop is organized by the Statistical Field Theory Group, which is part of the Department of Physics and Astronomy (DIFA) of Bologna University and of INFN Bologna division. It is intended to promote the exchange of ideas at an international level among researchers acting in Quantum Field Thoery and statistical Mechanics on exact and nonperturbative aspects, like classical and quantum integrability, conformal field theory in D=2 and D>2, non-equilibrium dynamics and links to quantum information theory.
The 10th edition, proposed for this year, is part of a tradition that has already seen 9 previous editions in 1993, 1995, 1997, 1999, 2001, 2004, 2006, 2011, 2014, with the participation of high profile contributors.
Besides a series of invited talks, there will be room for a number of communications proposed by the participants, in the form of talks or posters. See the talk proposal page for more details.
Bologna, city of towers...
Unfortunately, due to a very limited budget, we are not able to support travel, living and accomodation expenses for the participants. They should therefore be financially supported by their home institution.
Chairs: Francesco Ravanini (Bologna Univ.) and Davide Fioravanti (INFN Bologna)
Deadline for registration: July 24, 2023 !!
It is 40 years from the dawn of 2D CFT: Belavin, Polyakov, Zamolodchikov paper was submitted to Nucl. Phys. B on 22 Nov 1983
This workshop is dedicated to the memory of two colleagues and very nice persons that we all miss:
![]() Chaiho Rim | ![]() Yaroslav Pugai |