The prediction of new physics beyond the standard model might crucially rely on the understanding of the lightness of the Higgs mass, and of the apparent absence of new particles at the TeV scale. This accidental approximate scale invariance, which gets translated in the almost vanishing of the renormalization group flow of the standard model at high-energy scales, calls for models able to predict and explain such a feature. Field theories of this kind have to be ultraviolet complete, in the sense of being controlled by ultraviolet renormalization-group fixed points. The construction of consistent quantum field theories of this kind and the description of their phenomenological properties is a well established, yet still open and challenging field of research.
The international workshop "UV Complete Quantum Field Theories for Particle Physics" addresses these challenges, covering several topics ranging from the search for new UV complete quantum field theories to the quantitative analysis of nonperturbative aspects of gauge theories, from the study of approximate scale invariance in particle physics to the exploration of the possible role of quantum gravitational effects in physics beyond the standard model.