4–7 Sept 2023
Dept. of Physics and Astronomy - University of Bologna
Europe/Rome timezone

Fast QSC Solver for Excited States

6 Sept 2023, 17:20
Aula Magna (Dept. of Physics and Astronomy - University of Bologna)

Aula Magna

Dept. of Physics and Astronomy - University of Bologna

Via Irnerio 46 - 40126 Bologna, Italy
Talk (20 min) Bologna Workshop CFT-IM


Nika Sokolova (King's College London)


Spectrum of planar N=4 super Yang-Mills theory (SYM) is known to be exactly solvable from integrability, in principle. In practice, only a handful of states were solved non-perturbatively. We introduce a new integrability-based numerical tool called the Fast Quantum Spectral Curve (QSC) Solver, and using it, we solve the spectral problem for N = 4 SYM fully, systematically, efficiently and exactly. Our implementation allows to

  1. find the spectrum for a wide range of t’Hooft coupling
  2. initialise many states at weak cooling using already available perturbative data.

Using the QSC Solver, we were able to follow states from weak to strong coupling. We have computed all states of N=4 SYM with bare dimension < 7. In addition, we fit spectrum at strong coupling and analyse the outcome of these fits.

Finally, we break degeneracies of states at strong coupling, and this unlocks the possibility to use the recently proposed dispersive sum rules to extract some OPE coefficients at the leading order of the strong coupling expansion.

Primary authors

Dr Arpad Hegedus (Wigner Institute) Dr Julius Julius (King's College London) Nika Sokolova (King's College London) Prof. Nikolay Gromov (King's College London)

Presentation materials