4–7 Sept 2023
Dept. of Physics and Astronomy - University of Bologna
Europe/Rome timezone

Completing the Bootstrap Program for TTbar-deformed Massive Integrable Quantum Field Theories

5 Sept 2023, 12:20
Aula Magna (Dept. of Physics and Astronomy - University of Bologna)

Aula Magna

Dept. of Physics and Astronomy - University of Bologna

Via Irnerio 46 - 40126 Bologna, Italy
Talk (20 min) Bologna Workshop CFT-IM


Fabio Sailis


I will summarise some of the results obtained in two recent papers (with O. Castro-Alvaredo and S. Negro) where we developed a form factor program for TTbar-perturbed integrable quantum field theories. In particular, I will show how useful information about the physics behind this particular kind of deformation can be extracted from the form factor expansion of correlation functions. This allows us to establish connections with previous results obtained through other standard integrability techniques such as thermodynamic Bethe ansatz and the theory of generalised hydrodynamics.

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