4–7 Sept 2023
Dept. of Physics and Astronomy - University of Bologna
Europe/Rome timezone

Q-operators for Open Quantum Spin Chains

5 Sept 2023, 10:20
Aula Magna (Dept. of Physics and Astronomy - University of Bologna)

Aula Magna

Dept. of Physics and Astronomy - University of Bologna

Via Irnerio 46 - 40126 Bologna, Italy
Talk (30 min) Bologna Workshop CFT-IM


Robert Weston (Heriot-Watt University)


I will describe recent progress in the understanding and construction of Q-operators for open quantum spin chains. The construction exploits the the universal K-matrix picture of Appel and Vlaar. The resulting open Q-operator and the functional relations it obeys follow by pure representation theory; this opens the route to broad generalisation.

Primary author

Robert Weston (Heriot-Watt University)

Presentation materials