4–7 Sept 2023
Dept. of Physics and Astronomy - University of Bologna
Europe/Rome timezone

Structure Constants of Short Operators in N=4 Super-Yang Mills

6 Sept 2023, 15:50
Aula Magna (Dept. of Physics and Astronomy - University of Bologna)

Aula Magna

Dept. of Physics and Astronomy - University of Bologna

Via Irnerio 46 - 40126 Bologna, Italy
Talk (30 min) Bologna Workshop CFT-IM


Arthur Klemenchuk Sueiro (LPENS, IPhT)


$\mathcal{N}=4$ Super Yang-Mills Theory in 4 dimensions is a Super-conformal Gauge Theory known to be integrable in the planar limit. In the past decade its full finite size spectrum was solved by the Quantum Spectral Curve (QSC) method. Structure Constants for asymptotically large operators were computed at finite t'Hooft coupling by the integrability based Hexagonalization approach. However the finite size corrections to the latter present a complicated structure and divergences that are hard to regularize. In this talk I will present a conjecture for the resummation of all this wrapping corrections for a particular class of Three-Point Functions composed by one non-protected and two protected operators. Our result unifies the Hexagon and QSC methods for the first time and I will show how it reproduce 5-loop weak coupling data as well as String Theory data at strong coupling. Based on Phys.Rev.Lett. 130 (2023) 13, 131603

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