Day 1 - Morning: Session 1
- Elena Bratkovskaya (GSI, Darmstadt & Frankfurt Uni.)
Day 1 - Morning: Session 2
- Pawel Danielewicz (Michigan State University)
Resonance production is often treated either as a thermal process or through coalescence. I will discuss how these treatments are more alike than different, and point out how the formalisms overlap with the way in which we model femtoscopic correlations through the Koonin equation. I will explain when they’re the same, when they’re different, when one is more justified than another, and...
Geometry and dynamics of the particle-emitting source in heavy-ion collisions can be inferred via the femtoscopy method. Two-particle correlations at small relative momentum exploit Quantum Statistics (QS) and the Final State Interactions (FSI), which allow one to study the space-time characteristics of the source of the order of 10^{−15} m and 10^{−23} s. Femtoscopic measurements allow one to...
A study of the Bose-Einstein correlations for same-sign charged pions originating from proton-proton and proton-lead collisions recorded in the LHCb experiment at sqrt(s) = 7 TeV centre-of-mass energy and sqrt(sNN) = 5.02 TeV centre-of-mass energy per nucleon. Both measurements are the first of this type performed in the forward region at LHC energies. The proton-proton (proton-lead) dataset...
The coherent description of nuclear matter properties at high baryon densities is of utmost importance. The limited number of experimental references in the region of the phase diagram corresponding to Neutron Stars (NS) and NS mergers poses major challenges for constructing a universal Equation of State. The matter created in heavy-ion collisions at the HADES experiment can be characterized...
The fireball produced in a relativistic heavy-ion collision has a net
positive electric charge, due to the protons from both the target and the
projectile nuclei, that affects the charged particles ejected from the expanding fireball. The effect of these long-range Coulomb interactions on the charged pion
momentum distributions, as well as on pion-pion momentum correlations (HBT), has been...
The main goal of femtoscopy in heavy-ion physics is to map out the space-time structure of the particle emitting source utilizing Bose-Einstein correlation measurements. Such measurements already have played a crucial role in the discovery and exploration of the Quark-Gluon-Plasma (QGP) created in high-energy heavy-ion collisions. With the accumulation of high statistics, high quality data, it...
Measurements of femtoscopic correlations in high-energy heavy-ion collisions aim to unravel the space-time structure of the particle-emitting source (the quark-gluon-plasma). Recent results indicate that the pion pair-source exhibits a power-law behavior and can be described well by a Lévy distribution. In this study, Lévy fits were performed to the measured one-dimensional two-pion...