Important Instructions for Speakers!

The conference will consist of Invited oral presentations and Contributed (selected from the submitted abstracts) oral presentations. 

The allotted time will be as it follows (with possible few exceptions):


- Invited talks: 25 minutes (including 5 minutes of question time)

- Contributed talks: 15 minutes (including 3 minutes of question time)


1. Online broadcasting and talks. Due to the specific features of the conference venues, located inside historic buildings of the University of Catania, we will do out best to allow an online broadcasting of the in-person talks (via zoom or other software). However, we are very sorry to inform you that it will be not possible to have talks presented by online connected participants. We will try to make an exception only for a couple of short presentations by students that cannot travel for very serious reasons and immigration constraints. Doing more than that would require making too much modifications to the audio-video system, with a risk of compromising the success of the rest of the conference.”


2. It will not be possible to connect your personal laptop to the conference hall projector. There will be a windows desktop computer, nicely connected to the system, and all presentation files should be copied to its hard drive. Eventually, you may upload either upload them one the indico page of the conference (best option) or copy them on a USB key drive. 


3. Due to the specific features of the video system we will use at the conference venues, we recommend you to prepare your slides in 4:3 format and not in 16:9 format. Otherwise, there will be a risk of making the right and left edges of your slides hardly visible to the audience. 


4. We recommend you to use a PDF for your presentation file. This is especially important if you use a Mac to prepare your talk. As it was mentioned at 2., the local computer will be a windows desktop that it may have some problems in correctly displaying a powerpoint file produced by a Mac. 


5. If you plan to show a video, we recommend you to keep the video file outside the presentation, and upload it to the local desktop, so that you can run it in a stand-alone mode during your talk.


We look forward to attending your talks at the scientific sessions!