Femtoscopy in heavy-ion collision experiments at various \mu_B

6 Nov 2023, 09:40
Invited Day 1 - Morning


Hanna Zbroszczyk (Warsaw University of Technology)


Geometry and dynamics of the particle-emitting source in heavy-ion collisions can be inferred via the femtoscopy method. Two-particle correlations at small relative momentum exploit Quantum Statistics (QS) and the Final State Interactions (FSI), which allow one to study the space-time characteristics of the source of the order of 10^{−15} m and 10^{−23} s. Femtoscopic measurements allow one to study FSI, especially the Strong one, which is unknown for many two-particle systems. Various experiments at LHC, RHIC, and SIS-18 facilities cover a significant part of the QCD Phase Diagram using collisions of heavy-ions for several beam energies, in which regions with different \mu_B are studied via femtoscopy. Strange hadron measurements and non-strange ones provide complementary information about source characteristics. This talk will exhibit the femtoscopic measurements of various particle combinations at different collision energies.

Primary author

Hanna Zbroszczyk (Warsaw University of Technology)

Presentation materials