Hadronic resonances have been used as a useful tool for studying the hadron gas phase produced in the late stages of high-energy nuclear collisions. The resonance yields are affected by the hadronic interactions happening during the hadron-gas phase, thus measuring resonance production is useful to constrain the hadron-hadron interactions. The ALICE experiment is suitable for measuring hadronic resonances thanks to its excellent tracking and particle identification capabilities over a broad momentum range. In this talk, the most recent results on resonances in pp, p--Pb, Xe--Xe and Pb--Pb collisions at various centre-of-mass energies, highlighting new results on 𝜌(770)0, K∗(892), Φ(1020), Σ(1385)±, Λ(1520), Ξ(1530)0, and Ξ(1820) are presented. These results are used to interpret the system-size and collision-energy evolution of transverse momentum spectra, yields, average transverse momentum, and yield ratios to longer-lived hadrons with comparison to lower energy measurements from previous experiments and model calculations.