A novel method for calculating Bose-Einstein correlation functions with Coulomb final-state interaction

6 Nov 2023, 12:00
Invited Day 1 - Morning


Marton Nagy (Eötvös University, Budapest)


The main goal of femtoscopy in heavy-ion physics is to map out the space-time structure of the particle emitting source utilizing Bose-Einstein correlation measurements. Such measurements already have played a crucial role in the discovery and exploration of the Quark-Gluon-Plasma (QGP) created in high-energy heavy-ion collisions. With the accumulation of high statistics, high quality data, it becomes possible to perform more and more precise investigations of Bose-Einstein correlation functions, and it becomes absolutely necessary to have a robust understanding of the phenomenology of such correlations. In this talk a novel method for the calculation of the two-particle correlation functions including Coulomb final-state interaction is presented. It relies on an exact calculation of many of the necessary integrals of the Coulomb wave function, and can be utilized to calculate the correlation function for any source function with an easily accessible Fourier transform. In this way, it is eminently applicable to Levy-stable source functions that have recently been increasingly successfully utilized to precise investigations of correlation functions. The presented new method, besides being mathematically interesting and elegant on its own, allows for a numerically more stable and robust investigation of a wider range of source function parameters than the previously utilized techniques, and can be readily applied to correlation function measurements.

Primary author

Marton Nagy (Eötvös University, Budapest)

Presentation materials