5–9 Jun 2023
Genova, Italy
Europe/Rome timezone

J/ψ Near-Threshold Photoproduction off the Proton and Neutron with CLAS12

8 Jun 2023, 16:30
DAD - Room 1B (Genova, Italy)

DAD - Room 1B

Genova, Italy

Invited QCD and hadron structure QCD and hadron structure


Richard Tyson (University of Glasgow)


J/ψ near threshold photoproduction plays a key role in the physics program at the Thomas Jefferson National Accelerator Facility (JLab) 12 GeV upgrade due to the wealth of information it has to offer. J/ψ photoproduction proceeds through the exchange of gluons in the t-channel and is expected to provide unique insight about the nucleon gluonic form factors and the nucleon mass radius.
The JLab based CLAS Collaboration, which uses the CEBAF Large Acceptance Spectrometer (CLAS12), aims to measure the J/ψ near threshold photoproduction cross section using both a proton and a deuteron target. The latter further offers the possibility of comparing the proton and neutron gluonic form factors and mass radii in a first measurement of the cross sections off a proton or neutron within the deuteron target. The analysis towards these measurements is ongoing and well advanced, with machine learning based techniques for particle identification already designed and tested on CLAS12 data taken towards these measurements.
This talk will describe the aims and experimental design for the measurement of J/ψ near threshold photoproduction off the proton and neutron with the CLAS12 detector along with the current stage of the data analysis.

Primary author

Richard Tyson (University of Glasgow)

Presentation materials

Peer reviewing
