5–9 Jun 2023
Genova, Italy
Europe/Rome timezone

Exotic states in heavy quark systems

5 Jun 2023, 09:30
San Salvatore Auditorium (Genova, Italy)

San Salvatore Auditorium

Genova, Italy

Plenary Plenary Plenary


Elisabetta Spadaro Norella (INFN - Milano)


The discovery of hadronic states with a manifestly exotic nature, 𝑃𝜓, 𝑃𝜓𝑠, 𝑇𝜓, 𝑇𝜓𝑠, and 𝑇𝜓𝜓, has given the field of spectroscopy a great boost in recent years. LHCb has been one of the major player in this field observing more than 15 exotic hadrons, thanks to its excellent detector performance which is optimized for the study of beauty and charm particles. In this talk, we will review several benchmark analyses of tetraquark and pentaquark candidates from the LHCb experiment, such as the doubly charmed tetraquark 𝑇𝑐𝑐(3875)+, the first tetraquark doublet, 𝑇𝑐𝑠(2900)0/++, and the first pentaquark with strangeness, 𝑃𝜓𝑠(4338).

Primary authors

Elisabetta Spadaro Norella (INFN - Milano) Keri Vos (Siegen University)

Presentation materials