High-resolution ribosome structures determined by cryo X-ray crystallography have provided important insights into the mechanism of translation. Such studies have thus far relied on large ribosome crystals kept at cryogenic temperatures to reduce radiation damage. We use serial femtosecond X-ray crystallography (SFX) with an X-ray free-electron laser (XFEL) to obtain diffraction data from...
The IBS hosts a number of state of the art structural biology platforms that are accessible via the national FRISBI and the European Instruct programs providing technician-supported user access to instrumentation including cell imaging, cryo electron microscopy and NMR. Furthermore, the IBS participates in the operation of the ESRF CM01 electron microscopy facility equipped with a Titan Krios...
Structural biology had a major impact on the delivery of effective responses to the COVID-19 pandemic. I will give some illustrations of these from our experiences, however I will attempt to embed them in a consideration of the broader developments.
Large infrastructures allowed the high resolution structural analysis of virus proteins and particles via X-ray crystallography. For small...