The school will take place at Gran Sasso National Laboratory (LNGS).
One day of the school will be held at Gran Sasso Science Institute (GSSI).
LNGS is one of the four national laboratories of National Institute for Nuclear Physics (INFN). It is the largest operating underground laboratory in the world for experiments in particle physics, particle astrophysics and nuclear astrophysics. It is a worldwide facility for scientists from 22 different countries and working on about 15 experiments. It is located halfway between the cities of L'Aquila and Teramo, about 120 km from Rome.
For more details about LNGS you can visit
GSSI is an international PhD school and a center for research and higher education. The GSSI aims to create a new center of scientific excellence in L’Aquila fostering the skills and highly specialized structures already present in the area, such as the Gran Sasso National Laboratories of the National Institute for Nuclear Physics (INFN) and the University of L'Aquila, facilitating the attraction of high-level resources in the fields of natural and social sciences.
For more details about GSSI you can visit