Sep 18 – 24, 2022
Hotel Hermitage, La Biodola Bay, Isola d'Elba, Italy
Europe/Rome timezone

Phase manipulation through plasma density modulation

Sep 19, 2022, 7:15 PM
Sala Elena - Hotel Hermitage

Sala Elena - Hotel Hermitage

Poster (student) Poster Session


Cornelia Gustafsson (Lund University)


A Laser-Wakefield Accelerator can produce electrons in the MeV range just over a few millimetres. However, due to their finite energy spread and divergence the applications of these electrons become limited. By tailoring the plasma density, the phase can be manipulated and hence gaining control of the bunch energy spread and divergence. Here, the properties of 100 MeV shock-assisted ionisation injected electrons after propagation through two supersonic gas jets is presented.

Primary author

Cornelia Gustafsson (Lund University)


Erik Löfquist (Lund University) Kristoffer Svendsen (Lund University) Anders Persson (Lund University) Olle Lundh (Lund University)

Presentation materials