


GOSPEL 2024 Announcement

On behalf of the organizing committee, I sincerely invite all the great scientists, academicians, young researchers, industry delegates, and students from all over the world to attend the 9th GOSPEL Workshop from Aug 4-6, 2024, at Changchun, China.


GOSPEL is an international biennial research meeting dedicated to the R&D activities in the field of gas sensors based on semiconducting metal oxides. The aim is to bring together academia and industry and help the latter to identify which of the new developments are the most relevant to it. The main topics of the workshop will be: operando investigations of gas sensing; applications; novel materials/manufacturing technologies.


The topics of the GOSPEL workshop genuinely reflect the current trends, recent advances, and new approaches in the field of gas sensors based on semiconducting metal oxides. We are indeed in a time of great innovation in gas sensors, so come and enjoy the research and report your results!


All conference sessions will be held in the South Qianwei Campus of Jilin University, a national key comprehensive university under the direct administration of the Ministry of Education in China. We look forward to an extraordinary meeting with brilliant scientists from different countries worldwide and sharing epochal and exciting results in GOSPEL workshop. I wish you all a fruitful conference, and I will see you soon in Changchun, China!


Yours Sincerely

Dr. Geyu Lu, Professor

Conference Chair, 9th GOSPEL Workshop 2024