Call for abstract

  • Giorno di apertura
  • Scadenza invio candidature

GOSPEL is an international biennial research meeting dedicated to the R&D activities in the field of semiconducting metal oxide based gas sensors. The aim is to bring together academia and industry and help the latter to identify which of the new developments are the most relevant to it. The main topics of the workshop will be: operando investigations of gas sensing; applications; novel materials/manufacturing technologies.
Attendance at the 9th GOSPEL Workshop is expected to be 150 – 200 participants. For each of the main topics we will have a couple of invited lectures (each with 25 min and 10 min discussion), regular oral contributions (15 min/5 min), and poster presentations. GOSPEL is ready to host an exhibition for companies in sensor application fields and will try to organize a round table addressing the needs of industry.

One-page abstracts should be submitted via a dedicated platform as an INFN external user until the 31sh March, 2024. It is required that you use the template which is provided below.
Please, submit a .pdf file named "name_Gospel2024".

Template for One-page abstract

In order to submit an abstract, an Indico account is needed.

Log-in if you already have one or follow the instruction below to create it as "External User".

After log, in you need to register to the workshop compiling the form at the bottom of this page and click on "register" button.

You will receive a confirmation email after the conclusion of the process.

La call for abstract è chiusa.