17–21 May 2021
Europe/Rome timezone

Radiative mirror thermal compensation system

20 May 2021, 16:12


poster Beyond second generation Poster session 2


Riccardo DeSalvo (Universita' del Sannio)


The powerful beams stored in the Fabry Perot cavities of gravitational wave detectors deposit heat on the mirror coatings and cause thermal lensing. We present an experiment that studies the feasibility to balance that excess heat by selectively absorbing the black body heat that at ambient temperature naturally radiates from the test masses. It is shown how the coating heating effect can be fully eliminated in a completely passive way. The method can extract a power of the order of the Watt, depending on the beam spot size.

Primary author

Riccardo DeSalvo (Universita' del Sannio)

Presentation materials